Ramadan is the holiest month in Islamic calendar that carries immense significance in every Muslims life. In the month, people visit family members, exchange Ramadan wishes, share Ramadan Kareem quotes, spend time together and pray to the almighty Allah. Ramadan messages and wishes make an indispensable part of prayers for friends and family. But one may falter on how to wish someone a happy Ramadan. It is highly important that one knows the correct wishes for the right person. Therefore, to help in choosing the right Ramadan Kareem messages wishes, here are some Ramadan wishes to get one started.

Ramadan Wishes in Arabic 2024

Ramadan Wishes in Arabic 2024

  • ربما الهلال كن ضوءك الهادي وقوتها ، املأ حياتك ، السلام والنعمة. رمضان مبارك
    Meaning: May the crescent moon be your guiding light and strength, fill your life, peace and grace. Ramadan Mubarak.

  • بينما تصوم وتقدِّم الصلاة إلى الله ، قد تجد سلامتك وسعادتك. استمتعوا برمضان سلمي وسعيد!
    Meaning: As you fast and offer prayer to God, may you find your peace and happiness. Enjoy a peaceful and happy Ramadan!

  • انت لست وحدك. الله دائما معك ، لإرشادك وأحبك. سعيد رمضان.
    Meaning: You are not alone. God is always with you, to guide you and love you. Happy Ramadan.

  • نرجو أن تبارككم روح رمضان بالازدهار والثروة والسعادة في الحياة! الله يعفو عن كل خطأك وأخطائك رمضان سعيد.
    Meaning: May the spirit of Ramadan bless you with prosperity, wealth and happiness in life! May God forgive all your mistakes and mistakes Happy Ramadan.
